
2023 Annual Report

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Stockholder Information
CUSIP #029420106

March 31, 2024 Financial Results

Total Assets $104,275,912
Total Shareholders Equity $20,458,270
Total Reserves for Life Ins, Annuities, and Deposits $76,733,761
Comprehensive Income (year to date) $442,110
Total Shareholder Return (year to date, annualized) 9.18%
Note: These figures are unaudited. The percentage changes are the difference between 3/31/2023 and 3/31/2024 figures.
Quarterly financial figures, including the tender price, will be posted no later than 45 days after the close of the quarter. Below are upcoming release dates:
Release Date
Q1 May 15
Q2 Aug 14
Q3 Nov 14
Q4 Feb 14

Tender Offer

The Board of Directors has authorized the purchase of 300,000 shares of Company stock this calendar year at a price equal to 90% of the last available book value, as prepared on a GAAP basis. The Board of Directors also reserves the right to revoke or modify this offer at any time.

As of March 31, 2024, this adjusted book value is $4.818 per share. Therefore the current tender price is $4.34 per share.

Tender Price $4.818 x 90% = $4.34/share

Semi-Annual Dividend

The board of directors has approved the semi-annual dividend of 13.0 cents per share to be paid on Apr 10, 2024 to stockholders of record at the end of the month preceding payment.

Apr 10, 202413.0¢/share

Annual Reports

Letters from the President

Read Letters from the President here.

Audited SAP (Statutory Accounting Principles) Financial Statements

The following financial statements differ somewhat from the Annual Reports (shown above), since these reports are prepared using specific accounting rules required by state insurance laws (Statutory Accounting Principles), which are different from GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles),which are the standard financial accounting rules.

Annual Statements (Blue Book) filed with Insurance Department and NAIC

Following are key pages from the detailed financial statements filed with the Arizona Department of Insurance and the NAIC (National Association of Insurance Commissioners). The full annual statements are over 100 pages. Because of their size and they always have a blue cover, they are commonly referred to as the “Blue Book”. We are providing here the pages we believe are the most important pages that best represent the financial condition of American Savings Life Insurance Company.